Military Motherhood

Before I was a mom, I never appreciated the idea that being a mother is the single most difficult, yet rewarding job out there.  I thought motherhood was about kisses, cuddles, crafts and nothing but love.  Reality is that motherhood is all about balancing competing and often opposite facets of life, while maintaining complete composure with your child.  Growing up, I had an incredible role model in my mother.  She worked full-time, maintained important friendships, persevered during challenging times, was ever-present at all of our activities, and always, always protected us kids from the adult non-sense.  Challenges at work, financial struggles, household chores, and discipline.  She was, and still is, an incredible mother, nana, and role model.  

Having a partner to work through the ebbs and flows of parenthood is important.  Amidst single, military motherhood, things can be rough.  Although Ron and I talk multiple times per week, the physical distance is getting old.  I’ve worn both mother and father hats, and at least attempted to do so with grace and humor (eh, maybe sarcasm).  Don’t get me wrong, there’s have been many moments of adversity, and lots of loads of laundry.  Military motherhood has surprised me with peace, happiness, and special times with my littlest favorite person.  This time has taught me to be about resilience, patience, communication, and adoration.  So I guess I’m tougher than I look! 

Being Nora’s mom is by the far the most amazing role in my life, albeit certainly challenging.  I wish all my fellow mothers a happy, fun-filled, and enjoyable Mother’s Day.  Kick up your feet, don’t do the dishes (or the laundry), pamper yourselves,  and enjoy all the kisses, cuddles, and adorable crafts you can with your little people!  Lots of love friends! 


Published by Lynn

Hi There! I'm Lynn, a proud wife to a Navy Officer, fierce mama to two littles, and obsessed with travel, gardening, bargain hunting, wine & food, and being kind. Thanks for visiting and learning about our journey!

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